Teacher preparation for migrant school inclusion
Erasmus + Key Action (KA3)
Support for Policy Reform

TEACHmi project aims to provide effective tools, teaching material and guidelines not only for teachers of multicultural classes, but also for school leaders and stakeholders, in order to facilitate the integration of students with migrant background in schools, making school environment more inclusive.
The tools will be utilized to provide to all students the possibility to receive the best educational approach possible. In addition, these tools will foster inclusion and the provision of a higher quality of school services targeted to the needs of the students from an early age.
An online virtual space will also be created where the educational material and all other tools developed will be accessible. Moreover, possibility will be given for all interested key stakeholders to share information and discuss relevant issues, connecting professionals from all over Europe in an effort to exchange knowledge and good practices.

The 36 months duration of implementing Teachmi project is focused on reinforce the role of education by promoting the common EU values of tolerance and non –discrimination, while putting the stress on strengthening social cohesion. Project’s impact will help youngsters to become open-minded and active members in our diverse and inclusive society.
Target Groups
Teachers, educators and professionals acting in the school educational system, and, or in multicultural classrooms, coming into contact with students with migrant background and are in need of inclusive education.
Students in secondary education with migrant background.
Key stakeholders (National authorities in charge of education, Professional Associations or Councils for teachers or/and educators, NGOs or other actors dealing migrant education, School/Parents committees, School management staff).

To develop a new toolbox of teaching languages of schooling for students with migrant background, including integration practices for teachers.
To develop an interactive tool, the online e-learning & networking platform for teachers/ trainers / school leaders, in order to exchange Good practices and become better professionals.
To develop a curriculum & material elaboration, and a role model activity material for induction classes targeted for students with migrant background.
To develop a Guide for assessment for newly arrive students from immigrant background.
Hand in Hand honing social and emotional skills for tolerant and non-discriminative societies
Wellbeing and inclusion in the educational environment
Knowledge and good practices (on inclusive learning, social and civic competences, critical thinking and media literacy as well as the integration of migrants) widely spread in the learning communities
Educational leaders and educators in the learning communities become aware, ready and willing to practice inclusive educational approaches with visible engagement of families and local communities
More effective support mechanisms and assistance services are developed and deployed to support education and training institutions to provide implementing inclusive education approaches.