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Instrument 1 Phase 3


EU Skills Profile for Third Country Nationals

EU Competency Evaluation Doument

An inclusive process throughout school attendance must take place in parallel with a dynamic and careful assessment. The forms of assessment discussed in the previous phases must be managed according to a student-centered training approach, simultaneously basing it on the student as well as other assessments.  This should assume a qualitative character in terms of their strengths and limitations. Nevertheless, a standard normative assessment is also required to assess the student's profile upon leaving compulsory schooling or a school system. It must be comparative, according to the learning objectives that are expected to be achieved in the curriculum. The European Union proposes a tool for defining competency profiles to assist in this standardized normative post-assessment. Its reference is, therefore, essential for the validation of learning and skills in each host country, whether to guide students during their school career or professional path. You can find the EU evaluation document (Competency Profile for Third Country Nationals) in the link found here below:

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