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Activity 4 Topic 3


Feeling myself, understanding the other


May vary depending on the steps and tasks you choose to implement. We suggest you dedicate at least one hour (selecting one or more steps), but paying careful attention to provide students with proper instructions and opportunities for discussion and reflection.

Expected learning outcomes

By the end of this activity, students will be able to:


  • Recognize and name different emotions, feelings and their behavioural manifestations 

  • Identify sensitive issues in time to prevent possible incomprehension

  • Define why a conflict, misunderstanding has arisen in an intercultural situation

  • Apply effective skills to communicate with other people with increased sensitivity


Intercultural communication, active listening

Required resources

  • Sheets of paper

  • Pens

  • Flipchart


Annex I.Exercises

Annex II. A list of meanings of body language

Annex III. Visual examples of feelings and emotions

Annex IV. Table “my feelings”


The first two stages of the analysis of critical incidents imply greater self-awareness and better understanding of others, and thus require a certain level of empathy. Emotions and feelings play a central role in communication and scarce knowledge of them may be a reason of incomprehension and conflicts. In everyday interpersonal contacts there is a constant and continuous flow of information about the emotional state of individuals. 


Remember that:

  • Emotions are our true human nature; they are part of us.

  • It is important to talk about your feelings with your interlocutor

  • It is good to experience your emotions without hurting others.

  • There are no forbidden emotions. Students need to fully and truly express their emotions - to cry, be angry, rejoice and learn how to react.

The exercises provided in Annex 1. are aimed to guide students in the discovery of their own and of other people’s feelings and how these can assume different behavioural manifestations. Steps are not compulsory and you may also choose to select some tasks only for each.

Relevant topics for discussion

  • Do you spend some time to reflect on your feelings and how you show them?

  • Are you able to recognise your emotions? 

  • Do you have enough competences to distinguish the other person’s feelings?

  • Which qualities would you need to develop further to improve your interpersonal relationships?

  • How do you react if you are misunderstood by others?

Original source

College of pedagogy, Pleven:

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