Activity 5 Topic 1
A space of/for all
At least four lessons within the mentoring program:
Lesson 1: Explanation and selection of a topic by each pair of students
Lesson 2: Collection of necessary information / objects
Lesson 3: Development of the project
Lesson 4: Presentation
Expected learning outcomes
By the end of this activity, the students will be able to:
Apply stronger cognitive and linguistic skills by:
Learning new words and information
Developing critical thinking and creativity
Improving communication and conversation skills
Show higher affective, relational and social skills by:
Participating to collaborative experience
Discovering new opportunities for socialisation
Intercultural learning
Required resources
The resources needed will vary depending on the topic and project chosen by each pair of students.
Internet may be necessary for further research on a topic.
Other materials can be collected by each student.
Each pair of students will work on the presentation of the uses and customs of the migrant student’s culture. They will make some researches and present the results in different formats, e.g. video, PPT presentation, poster, book.
On the last day, a museum of cultures will be shown to the class!
Each pair will present their intercultural project, including verbalisations in both the migrant and native languages.
Lesson 1
The teacher explains the activity, its learning objectives and invite students to select a topic. Possible topics include:
Songs / Dances / Folklore / Traditional stories
Symbols: flag, anthem…
Musical instruments
Lesson 2:
Collection of necessary information / objects
Students make some researches on the web or by involving their families (also by collecting objects). They identify what they will include and the necessary material to develop their work.
Lesson 3:
Development of the project
Students will work on the development of their cultural project: they may create a video, power point presentation, poster, a collection of pictures, a book of recipes.
For each image included they will add a word or sentence describing it in the migrant student’s language, with the subtitle in the language of schooling.
Lesson 4:
Each pair of students will present their results to the class.
Note for teachers: students with migrant background may find it uncomfortable to present in front of a group of people. Be careful of their reaction and eventually ask the native student to present the project.
After the end of the activity, you may place the results of each project on the classroom wall, in order to contribute to an intercultural environment.
Relevant topics for discussion
For native students: where you aware of this cultural practice?
Did you find some elements in common between the two cultures?
Was it difficult to find the necessary resources/information?