Activity 6 Topic 1
It’s my turn!
May vary depending on the activity chosen
Expected learning outcomes
By the end of this activity, the students will be able to:
Actively participate in a plurilingual and intercultural learning environment
Discover more on other cultures, through increased curiosity
To stimulate native students’ curiosity towards other cultures
Role-play, intercultural learning
As shown throughout this chapter, the mentoring methodology is meant to support the learning process and gradual social inclusion of students with migrant background. Yet, such a process requires a certain level of self-confidence, motivation and trust in the other people.
This role-play activity consists of exchanging roles between mentors and mentees. The student with migrant background will become the mentor and guide the native student in the discovery of his/her own culture and language.
As a result, native students will strengthen their intercultural competences, acquire new linguistic skills and boost their own empathy. Meanwhile, students with migrant background will reinforce their self-esteem, feeling of agency and inclusion within the host country.
Relevant topics for discussion
How did you feel to take the other’s role?
Did you find some elements in common with your culture?
Would you like to learn more about your peer’s cultural background?
How can you foster these meetings more often?