Activity 2 Topic 1
What is your goal?
30 minutes
Expected learning outcomes
By the end of this activity, the students will be able to:
Identify concrete goals
Use appropriate measures to observe and track the progress in their goal achievement
Set challenging but achievable goals, with stronger motivation and engagement
SMART goal setting
Required resources
Annex I – questions for SMART goal setting
Setting clear, reasonable goals, identifying specific steps and an action plan can increase students’ motivation and focus in their goal achievement.
If you would like to learn more on how to strengthen students’ ability to plan their personal and learning path, have a look at the Guide for strength-based learning in TEACHmi Manuals for teachers. The student improvement card will provide a unique tool to support students in setting their goals.
Here, we propose the SMART goal setting process, which can be used at the beginning of the mentoring session to help mentees to define their personal and learning development goal.
Annex I will provide you with an explanation of the SMART goal setting process.
Explain to mentors that, while setting SMART goals, it is important to:
Assist the mentee in the definition of their goals, as an action plan, rather than a declaration of intention, e.g.:
Action plan: I will apply for this job.
Declaration of intention: I want to apply for this job. (WRONG!) -
Suggest to mentees to write down their goals in a visible place in order to remember them every day.
Guide the mentee in any necessary change or adaptation due to specific circumstances.
Original source
REST – Refugee Employment Support and Training:
Inspired by: Drucker, P., The Practice of Management, Harper, New York, 1954; Heinemann, London, 1955; revised edn, Butterworth-Heinemann, 2007