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Instrument 6 Phase 1


Goals Planner - Life Path


The context “time” is used in this dimension as part of the conclusion of prior assessment. The planning integrates the findings resulting from the application of previous five (5) instruments (see especially the personal interview) and provides a systematization of teacher’s action relating to the next steps. With the same rationality of the other Planners-as mentioned in the previous paragraph, this instrument should be used as a flexible pathway to reach reflective goals from a teacher’s first contact with a student.

Example of the Goals Planner - Life Path


The Life Goals Planner, as explained in the Project‘s website (, connects the student’s identity (my life), their expectations for the future (my future) and their World View (my world) with each other.  It also ensures that the student’s ambitions for life and for school are connected.  In other words, that their school goals are placed within a broader framework. This plan should be used in combination with Direct Observation Checklist.

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